Every year about this time I like to sit and reflect on the past. I go through my journals, or my blogs, to see if I can detect a theme in the challenges that I faced. This year browsing through my journal I came upon a dream entry from 2016. Sometimes when I awake and remember my dreams I feel as though they are just minutia, meaningless and irrelevant, but occasionally I awake with a strong sense that I need to pay attention to this dream and see if I can make sense of it.

This particular morning felt like that. I awoke with the number 66 strongly in my awareness and I remembered in my dream I was searching and searching for a bus numbered 66. It felt so important that I find it and I wasn’t having much luck. I awoke frustrated but with the dream and the number strongly in my awareness.  I decided to google 66 and see what came up.

For some reason I always associated the number 6 with evil…..maybe my Fundamentalist upbringing, so I was pleasantly surprised to find a very positive interpretation of 66. Come to find out the number 6 is considered the Master Number of Love. It is a symbol of the importance of harmony, balance and reciprocity….all important elements of relationships.

 If you know me at all you know I am intrigued and impacted by angel energy. So, I immediately went to the explanations around 66 that had to do with angelic energy. Here’s what was said.

“If you’re seeing the Angel Number 66 frequently you may wonder what it means. It is no accident or coincidence that you are experiencing this synchronicity. The angels have sent you the number 66 for a reason. It holds a valuable message that you need to hear. The universal intelligence wants you to uncover the meaning of 66 and change your life.

Angel number 66 is a message from your angels to put your faith and trust in the benevolence of the Universe as your daily needs are continually met. The angels are assisting, guiding and supporting you with manifesting your goals, desires and wishes. Also, this angel asks you to balance your physical, material and spiritual lives. Focusing on your spirituality and living a conscientious and purposeful lifestyle will ensure that your material needs are met as you serve your Divine life mission. Give any fears or anxieties about your monetary and material issues to the angels for healing and transmutation, and trust that as you live your spiritual truths all of your needs will be provided for.”

I guess there must have been some underlying anxiety in me that was doubting or unsure. With so much uncertainty in the air it may have triggered my fears of lack or my doubts. I’ve always had a “doubting Thomas” part of my personality that feels skeptical and cynical about trusting so completely in the Divine Plan for my life. So, this message was reassuring.

In my imagination, I find my bus #66, climb aboard and soak in all of the angelic energy that is there. I rest in the comfort of all the love and support that I feel.

I may even take over the driver’s seat so I can confidently and powerfully propel myself forward. Amen to that!!!

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